
By NancyDrew

I'm (not) with the band...

...because I was at work!!! BOooooooooooooo :(

Meet my friend Kristel and some of her band x Today was her first gig with some new members x I couldn't go because no one could cover my shifts :( x Man and The Boy therefore went along to represent x

Man asked to borrow the camera... I won't lie, I was nervous handing it over x He didn't do too bad as it happens x As my day consisted of nothing more than sitting in a very small and very hot little room with no windows in it I have stolen this picture from his day x

Kristel is an IT consultant by day and a singer by night x and she is also a massive super hero / film nerd x

I remember when she told us she was a singer, having heard this immortal line from others in the past we were apprehensive to say the least, but she's actually pretty good xx

It was an outdoor gig so I'm glad it didn't rain xx

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