
By FergInCasentino

Heat selection

I was going to try and write something more about adaption to heat. It’s a complex subject and a bit of a minefield. So instead just a couple of refs

This Smithsonian article was interesting on the 6m year evolution of hominids. Suggests Homo sapiens evolved to be climate adaptable rather than biome specific as climate became more changeable over the long durée, so to speak.

From the other end of the telescope this article says it’s possible to train the body to be more adaptive to high temperature environments. Major change seems to be ability to anticipatively sweat more while losing less body salts (sodium) and bringing thirst and body hydration needs into closer synchronisation. Plus a load of other stuff. Focuses on controlled athlete training which leaves a lot of questions unanswered.,metabolism%2C%20and%20enhanced%20cellular%20protection.

Which left me feeling that bodily I’ve probably adapted as much as I can to heat and that my profuse sweating and thirst for ice cold naturally carbonated water is a sign of adaptation rather than that I am fat sweaty snooty slob.

The jury is out on this one but I’m rooting for hominid adaptability.

But also important to note the vastly unequal distribution of climate change heat increments and the way the poor get stiffed. See this good FT piece on Chicago heat distribution between poor and affluent neighbourhoods and way this will intensify rapidly over time

Patti Waldheim How heat discrimination divides US cities — right down to the trees

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