Headed north

Our destination today was a small town, Vilhelmina, about 350 kms north of where we live. It’s also very much part of the sparsely populated inland region.
We started the day with a swim, and a leisurely breakfast, which is a pretty good way to start a day.  
The driving was mostly easy on good roads with little traffic. The forest rolled by, punctuated by big, and sometimes huge lakes, which are mostly the result of a line of hydroelectric dams along the Ångermanland river. This one river provides 17% of Sweden’s electricity. We are basically following it up from the sea to its mountain source.
We reached Vilhelmina and carried on a bit until we found a lovely spot to stop at. Now, late in the evening it’s a bit midgy, but even in the van we can hear the swish of the rapids flowing by. (See extra)

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