By the bins

I texted daisy this morning asking if she thought she would get everything into her car and did she need me to come up? At 3 she said, yes please. Just your car, but that would be great.

Dear god, she may be good at maths but she could say the words “bring the van” more often. Luckily my mini is a tardis of car so we packed it to the hilt including Luke the giant bear (never previously allowed in this house) in the passenger seat, and I came home. Bless them, they were all tired and worn out. She had more stuff to do, pack up her car again and bring her and Connor (next to her here) back to Worthing. Toby is moving to another Canterbury house, he is not done at uni yet.

A worthy final shot of a frankly crappy student house. And an extra of Luke and Pikachou all set for their big journey.

Home for beans on toast, a beer and Grand Prix quali. Weekend time!!

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