Feeding Time

Another day working at home, due to the office being closed.  Usual routine of walk then work.  I was busy, but did manage to catch up with some stuff that has been on my to do list for a while.  I fitted in a lunchtime walk today, but it was damp again.  The weather has really changed this week, and not for the better = it’s been quite grey and rather damp.  I know we need the rain.
BB appeared home at lunchtime.  That is school out for summer.  It technically finished at the end of the day, but he had no classes in the afternoon.  It’s strange to finish up on a Wednesday.
Later I had to feed BB early, as he had another party tonight.  It’s a friend’s birthday and the last day of school – enough reasons for a celebration.  A huge bowl of pasta was produced to line his stomach!  TT and I ate later when he returned from work.
I had a quick evening walk – and it was the best part of the day.
I spotted this duck family this morning.

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