Unedited, unwritten, unseen

So I have been studying all day......urrrggghhhhh. Chapter 4 is my new nemisis. I thought it was ok/passable but my goodness it's shockingly bad. I am basically doing a ton of word sheddage and editing so it 'flows'. I keep thinking maybe I saved the wrong version of it some time back.....too late now. I am NOT going to bed till it is sorted! Tomorrow is going to be a stress....Ch 5 and attempting to check everything.

I am on Mr H's laptop as mine keeps making funny noises and slowing down to the pace of a snail.....rather worrying when word keeps hanging (did it for 15 minutes yesterday mid-save).....I usually use a small notepad and discovered today 2 things. A proper sized laptop is easier to write a thesis on and wow....and I can see the detail in my photos....going to have to buy one of these babies! I also realised that I am reliant on my photo editing software...I like to crop and draw out the colours a bit......no such software on this thing so enjoy something from my garden.... au natural for a change!

song for the day...not to everyone's taste but very relevant right now....fingers crossed tomorrows number isn't a well known effort by the boys from Liverpool...

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