Keep your eye on the ball!

It’s been a breezy day today, which was great for drying the washing.

My main job today was printing off dozens of photos, each with a poem overlaid on a background photo of ripples in some water. My next job will be to attach each photo to a folded watercolour card so it will stand up on its own. The poem was written by one of our worship leaders, and the card is to be given to all the attendees at a one-day conference at church in a couple of weeks. 

We went for our first walk in quite some time this afternoon, now that I’m much more bright eyed and bushy-tailed, and on our way to the Winston Churchill statue we passed a cricket match which was taking place at Woodford Green Cricket Club on the Green. If you look closely (in large), you may be able to make out the ball, which is just to the left of the batsman with the green helmet.

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