
By LifeLines

Raspberries, Lavender and Tea

The first day of July and it feels as if we have already had plenty of summer. June was filled with unusually warm and sunny days. I’ve unusually taken time off in that month too, so had time to relish it.

Today we as usual walked Merlin in the meadow. These beautiful tall grasses danced wildly in the wind. I’ve found a new appreciation for grasses since walking here.

Afterwards I had a three hour session at the allotment. Weeding, watering and then doing more tidying on the new plot (I have a huge pile of carpet and another of corrugated iron!). Then I harvested yet more raspberries - we are having a bumper year. I was organised today and took along a flask of tea and slices of fruit malt loaf to enjoy on the bench amidst the lavender. A moment to savour!

Feeling weary this evening but happy for my outdoorsy day.

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