Don’t I Get Some?

This little fellow caught my eye because he was sitting as still as a statue in his stroller but he wasn’t asleep. Although I don’t think he could see what was happening next to him, he KNEW his brother had a bag of kettle corn!

I have to steer well clear of this stall at the farmers’ market because there is something in a bag of kettle corn that forces me to eat the whole. Try as I might, even when I begin to feel a bit Ill, I cannot step away from it or put the bag down until every last kernel has been consumed. The addictive combination is apparently a combination of sweet and salty.

It was beginning to warm up when we arrived, and shade was at a premium. We waited in the shade of another stand for our coffee, and sat with it and a scone at a table, playing musical chairs with other patrons for the spots under the shade of an awning.

We came home with copious amounts of lettuce, a bunch of sunflowers cookies, granola, potatoes and enchiladas.No tomatoes yet. It’s always a good way to start the day.

Inspired by my friend Tobi who is leading workshops for ‘no waste month’, I decided to try to resurrect a very weary looking fennel root and two leeks. We eat a lot of veggies but we also fill our compost bucket regularly with uneaten inedible bits. I have a feeling this effort is going to be wind up in the compost too….

It is now 101 degrees outside but still quite cool(ish) in the house. It would be cooler if I hadn’t spent an hour braising the dedicated leeks and fennel.

The Tour de France started today but we will have to wait until tomorrow to watch it as it is only on television here at 5am with an edited wrap up version at 11pm. Now all we have to do is remember how to record it….

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