Old friends (2)

The sunshine came back today but it was quite breezy too.  V and David went off to the prize giving event at the school where he teaches so I had the day alone.  Did some gardening, made the gooseberry crumble cake from NS Kitchen Diary 2, sold some stuff on Vinted (this is getting quite addictive) and then headed over to see Mum 

She was surrounded by people, some local friends who remembered me from Dartmouth and then Toni (pictured) came over.  Mum and she have been friends for decades and there’s a family link for generations. I had brought some flowers for Mum for the gathering tomorrow and Toni gave me instructions from the sofa on how to arrange them.  

Cooked a delicious bean curry from Anna Jones for the evening but V was hit by a pollen bomb and had to go to bed early with terrible allergies. It’s so bad this year! But then we practically live in a field 

David ate the cake

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