
What a miserable day.  It was dark and grey this morning, but at least not as cold as the BBC weather app was predicting.  My day started with work – a couple of calls, a few documents to review, a few emails to respond to and then I logged off, later than I would have liked, but at least I am on annual leave now.  Hurrah!  My laptop and work stuff has been cleared away.  Out of sight, out of mind!  I hung my washing out (with my fingers crossed) and then went out for a run.  It started to rain not far into my run, but I kept going.  The rain got heavier and I was rather wet when I got back home – five and a half wet miles.
I didn’t fancy popping out for lunch today, so raided the fridge and cobbled something together.  BB was quite happy.  I then got stuck into some chores.  It was definitely weather for chores.  When I was tidying up, I realised that BB needed a new prescription, so as the rain had almost gone off, I walked down to the surgery to sort it out for him.  The rain got much heavier, with the result I was absolutely dripping when I got into the doctor’s surgery.  I picked up some provisions for tea while I was in town.
I made a fish curry and fancy rice for tea – both boys really enjoyed it.  A hit – which I may try to replicate, if I can remember what I did!  Later I did a big pile of ironing.  I always seem to generate lots of ironing in the summer, when it is too hot to iron.
This soggy foxglove was completely bent over by the rain.

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