A Start . . .

The front part of our top terrace gets blasted with sun nearly all day long and our bedroom is directly below it, making it an uphill task to achieve a cool sleeping chamber. As a couple of dear blippers know, we have been pondering solutions. This is the cheapest and most cheerful there is…what you see on the tiles represents a €15 investment and even if we double the mats, or more, it will still be cheap although Dd finds it less than cheerful. An alternative is to get whole sheets of this reflective material or paint the floor white with a special paint that has glass beads in it…used on the space shuttle apparently! Step by step…we will for sure need to put more mats down to get a proper feel for what they do. At least, they can be collected in when VIPs come visit!

Thanks to Mikedetrapia for prompting me into action!!

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