On your bike

Planned to get the bikes out yesterday but daughter suggested something else and we find it difficult to say no. So today we had our pre breakfast walk with Hetty and then went out on the bikes to a place recommended for coffee, which was good and busy, and back a longer route. It was warm and dry but so windy. Lovely to be back out on the bike, although I did feel a bit unsteady to start with and felt a helmet was a good idea. Not used for about three years as I had issues with balance, and hip and then last year knee, but all well now.
Lovely route around 20k but forgot to take any photos so here is one of the bike just before putting it back in the garage.
Out for an afternoon walk with Hetty and dropped off a few books to the little book hut. Made a dry curry for dinner, out of the new cookbook, and it was lovely.

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