The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Gala Day

CS and I were supposed to be going butterfly-hunting, but he didn't feel great, so we stayed at home and I did chores. GG turned up at two with two huge bags. She was determined that I was going to have some of her old clothes, even though she is twenty years older than me, about a foot taller, and not the same size! She was passing things to me, saying, 'take that, it's expensive!" I demurred. Took two Chairman Mao style shirts /jackets in the end, have already put one of them in a bag for Oxfam. GG knows now it's futile to take stuff to a charity shop on a Sunday, so she put the bags back in the car, thank goodness.

We set off for the park for a walk and a museum trip. Just as we were parking, I noticed that the vintage Bus Gala was back, outside the college. We had a quick look round the buses (GG wasn't interested) and then got on a vintage double decker around Kings Stanley and Leonard Stanley. GG loved being upstairs. I was hoping for a conductor/clippie but there wasn't one.

Got back, and had a cup of tea outside the leisure centre. I was trying to get a sense of how women's lives have changed over the decades, but GG wasn't buying it and just wanted to moan about an in-law. This isn't a new topic, so I remarked that it wasn't up to her to arrange the marriages of other people, even if she didn't approve of their choices. Were not living in a Jane Austen novel, are we?

Came home, just been muddling around, sorting out theatre tickets for October, thinking about a possible trip for next February. When did we all get so ahead of ourselves?

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