
By Marionb

Canada Day, eh?

Smoky again, but the holiday celebrations still went on...There was a lot of activity down at the soccer fields; even the fireworks display went as scheduled...I, however,  did little to celebrate the day..and even forgot that the grocery stores would be closed..which was not good as I had very little food in the house and had to be very creative re: dinner!

For me, it  was a quiet day of reading and puttering in the garden. My street was empty of neighbours as most folks go away on long there was no socializing or chatting over the back fence. It was just me and Maggie. I put the coffee on and started in on that pile of books I picked up at the library yesterday and took regular breaks from reading to do some chores in the garden

I didn't want to spend extended time in that smoky air, but there were so many little tasks to do out there that I had to at least try to get some of them done....Over the course the day, in short spurts, I managed to do some watering, plant my new herbs, dead-head the lilies, trim a couple shrubs, and snip off ferns that had invaded the private space of the other plants.They were little things, but they all  contributed to at least the overall appearance of tidiness! 

And oh yes, I stalked and took many photos of the baby rabbit who lives out there and who made a cameo appearance whilst I was snipping easy blip!  You can't beat "cute" for a blip!

Tomorrow I will do a walkabout with Ian, my neighbour who is helping me keep the garden under control this summer...and together we will decide what has to be done to get actually tidy up the garden!

The garden, although in need of so much attention, does give me pleasure, and the birds, squirrels and rabbits who live out there keep me entertained; so it is definitely worth investing some time and money into maintaining it! I do miss Eldon who did a marvellous job last year; this year, my hopes are on Ian! So far, so good. 

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