
Started the day with a chat to Mt and the weans (extras), planning for them to come up for a visit at the start of the festival for a little break. Heard about AR’s visit to a BMX track that she apparently loved yesterday and hearing her tell me all about the Tudors and Henry VIII’s wives.
Collected LE and headed to the Pentlands for a walk this morning. Still very windy and the forecast was mixed, so we did the reservoir walk rather than up the hill (I think she’d have gone up but I was less keen). Chatted non stop as we walked, and I tried out the new camera every now and again (although this is just a phone one as I haven’t worked out how to transfer the photos yet!).
As we were on our way back there was a heavy rain shower and I got soaked but it was quickly sunny again…looking beautiful. I was pleased we’d gone despite the mixed weather and should do it more often. We had a coffee then over to the Secret Herb Garden for some lunch where we met A. Dropped L at the bus stop then A and I went to Dobbies but weren’t inspired by much…chatting about her birthday and upcoming holiday plans over a cream scone.
Home and did some admin catching up, booking some book festival events and doing prep for tomorrow then made gooseberry fool which ended up being all I had for supper as I wasn’t hungry.

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