
Trying to make things easier for Gill we have fitted a couple of our water butts with a tap on a short extension - should help with filling watering cans or she could connect up some porous soaker hose and use that to drip feed some of the plants.   We have 600 litres in the butts - still managed to empty them all in the hot spell last July.

 I spent some of the morning helping, with our Keep Kineton Beautiful  volunteer group.  We were cutting back a hedge which was overhanging the walkway up to one of the children's playgrounds.   An after image in the extra,  it was overhanging further out than where you can see Wendy sweeping up.  Some overhanging growth behind me too so the path was not easy to use.  The owner of the house you can see came out to ask who were were,  he was calm and non-confrontational, so I cut back the hedge along his boundary so he could get to his fence.

Always interesting with these jobs to hear what passers by think - most of the parents with children stopped to say thank you and ask who we were.  Just one or two having a moan about their service charges (shared ownership houses?) which were never intended to pay for this sort of thing.  I guess the developers put this hedge in with good intentions but minimal thought to who might do any maintenance a few years later.  Think we might have to get some of those yellow signs to explain we are not paid for this so any cash leaving bank accounts does not come our way!

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