Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

There's a baby at the house

I was looking at the sunflowers this morning and saw something was this tiny Carolina anole.   He is about 2 inches long including the tail.  He is shedding his outer skin which is normal as it grows into its adult length.

Interesting fact on anoles I learned from Mrs. Google (yes, it is a she since she has straight answers without a bunch of stuff that is not what I asked!).   The female mates with a male in the late spring and will hold the sperm inside until she lays one egg when she gets ready...which she will do about every two weeks for about 15-18 weeks.  She lays the eggs in leafy vegetation (like my flower beds!) and they hatch out in 5 -7 weeks so the young are spread out all summer long.   She does not care for the egg or feed the young.   Sometimes the young (and older lizards that shed) will eat the shed for nutrition but mostly they eat bugs.  

Science lesson for those who want to know.   Now I will be looking for other youngsters.  The bright green mom or dad is usually found at the backyard flower beds and shrubbery or on the porch deck.    Shade and bugs for their lifestyle.   

Super hot yet again.  We will be having a quiet 4th of July since my grandgirls have their own plans with friends and no one wants to drive hours in the traffic.   Sounds good to me.     Book reading and movie watching time.  

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