Instead of posting more backblips I’ve uploaded today’s photo from Grasmere. I’ll get back to the others tomorrow.

I was in Kendal this morning doing more food shopping and later got rid of some unwanted stuff at the tip, along with some paper recycling. After lunch, a walk to the garden centre and on the way back, near a bus stop, I spotted a Keswick bus. Because the weather was so nice I decided to get on and go to Grasmere. Once around the village, a selection of photos then another bus home.

I’d been back 10 minutes when there was a knock on the door. The painter had decided to take advantage of the sunshine and do the last bit of window painting. It only took him an hour. Think we were both happy because the forecast isn’t looking good for the rest of the week.

There’s a collage in extras. Sorry, but comments are still off.

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