Northern Exposure

By Northern

3 seasons in 2 hours

Had a group of German guests on a nature tour this evening. Our first stop at Burgar hill was bathed in sunshine giving us cracking views to the north isles.

What the pic doesn’t show is the rapidly increasing wind speed. It was picking up as we left Burgar hill and by the time we got to our walk at the cliffs of Marwick head my guests were able to experience a proper Orkney wind. They were a bit shocked to say the least.

We managed about 20 minutes birdwatching before I urged them down the hill. Some folk were a bit reluctant to leave , until I pointed out the massive rain cloud heading towards us at speed from the sea. Everyone moved pretty fast once they understood what I was worried about, despite the language barrier. We were all soaked to the skin by the time we got back to the coach…. and my guests learned the meaning of Drookit.

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