Moving Day

It's been a long day...

Spent the morning at the Saltire Scholar leadership day - there's 90 undergrads going around the world on internships this summer . Ran a workshop with them - the marshmallow challenge, where you need to work in teams to build the tallest freestanding tower out of 20 bits of spaghetti, 1m of string and 1m of tape - the marshmallow has to be on the top of the structure at the end of 18 minutes. Intensive, high energy and competitive - was great to catch up with some old friends too.

Then the flat move! My mum and Dan helped me schlep all my stuff to the new flat and spend rest of the night cleaning.

After 5 hours of 3 people cleaning it still looks dirty, feeling very iffy about using the cutlery, plates, cushions...

Going to be another long day of cleaning tomorrow and hopefully a gorgeous glittering home will emerge!

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