Beautiful Winter's Morning

I arrived back to Christchurch this afternoon after a few days in Akaroa.

When I arrived in Akaroa late on Friday afternoon It was lovely and sunny. The strong winds arrived around 9pm. Sure was windy with things blowing around. There was snow on the hills on Saturday morning. 

Saturday morning was frosty and clear skys. No wind. I managed to prune some of my roses. I have 17 there so take a bit doing. The weather changed around 7pm even with strong winds and hail shower all evening. No rain. 

Sunday was very windy but dry. I managed to mow the lawns later in the day as the grass was dry because of the strong winds. 

Monday was very cold with very strong winds and showers of rain passing by all day long. 

I forgot to take my changers for my phone and watch. So didn't take any photos with the phone until this morning. I didn't want to be without a phone Incase something happened. I did take photos with my camera and will put them up when I have time. 

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