Off to the Vet …

….. ….. ….. for Missy today. She had to have her annual vaccinations. It was the best visit ever to the Vets with Missy.
She’s lost 1.25kg, down to 9.7kg. “Whatever you’re feeding her, keep it up, she’s looking great!” was the message from Vet Dr plus two nurses.

No problems after the vacc either. I'm feeling very relieved! Had been concerned about what I was feeding her etc etc. That her food has worked for her weight as well her health is so encouraging.

The photo was taken near the tarn at the Vets.

The evening a friend & I showed a DVD about The Songkeepers, the Central Australian Aboriginal Women’s Choir. Such a telling doco about the women’s life experiences based on their wonderful encounters with the missionaries at the Hermannsburg Church, near Alice Springs in Central Australia, about their love of the church, their culture, and singing. They took their versions of the hymns the missionaries had taught them, back to Germany, singing them in their native Pitjantjatjara language. An amazing presentation.

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