Orange Cat & Sunny Dog

My Dear Princess, 

Crashy is here ALL THE TIME now. 




Here he is helping Caro with her evening's work. He loves to sit on the opposite side of her laptop and when he gets bored, he reaches around and tries to grab her hands. 

I find it really cute and funny. Caro does too. I can tell by all the swearing. 

However, my evening broke up early when the Princess called. I caught her up on my last three weeks of activity while she walked with Murphy. I could hear the birds singing and the doggies barking. I feel like I could almost hear the sun shining. 

Caro came up afterwards and asked me what all the laughing was about. I couldn't tell her because I couldn't remember. I thought we'd been talking quite seriously but clearly we'd insinuated a few willy jokes in there without me realising.

I guess that's just us. We laugh and we love without even noticing. It's just who we are. Orange Cat and Sunny Dog. 


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