At The Nature Box

Luca will be moving to a new day nursery in September, The Nature Box. Like his current nursery, it's a 'forest school' place: the kids spend as much time outside as possible.  But, having researched the options, Ruth and Josh have found that The Nature Box has more varied provision in some respects. It's also near their own workplace.
So today was one of the 'intro' sessions, for children who'll be starting in September. Luca and I spent a contented hour there, exploring the large gardens and the various outdoor activities on offer.
Given the need to avoid snapping other people's children, I just managed this shot of Luca, perched on a little sculpture of an owl in the garden. The perspective is a bit odd but I think it captures his happy demeanour nevertheless.
Later I dropped him at home and took Eben to the weekly drum lesson with Anthony. Now that Eben has discovered that he can do a few patterns on the kit, he's doing his characteristic thing and wanting to race ahead, without necessarily listening to what he's really being asked to do. It' the same pattern we see in his swimming lessons. In both cases, if he can stay the course, with luck he'll be able to balance out his quick-wittedness and enthusiasm with the steady building up of skills. However, he is only seven, as I keep reminding myself...

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