Pigeon Perch.

So it's happening. My Dad will be home from the hospital in an hour or so. I am in the village cafe posting this and having a cup of tea to delay going to the spidery bungalow.

I phoned the hospital this morning to find out what would be happening and was told that he's not bad enough for rehabilitation even though he can't stand unaided, lives alone and doesn't have full use of his dominant hand.

The occupational therapist said to me not to expect much from this care team as they are all much of a muchness. She also said that if I am around too much they will probably disappear altogether, and advised that in future if we seek out other official care via social services he will be a low priority if they think I will pick up the slack.

What a situation!

I'm going to be around, but not too much as it seems like the more I do the more I'll be expected to do. 

I'm glad I can post on blip from my phone now, that saves loads of time!

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