Something red
On this Fourth of July .
We haven’t planned to do anything to celebrate, and we weren’t asked to join anybody’s celebration.
So it will be another quiet day and we will enjoy it.
I am so happy about my ‘Ribes’ bush - Johannisbeeren - currant in English. These fruits are not sold in any of the places where I have looked, so I haven’t eaten any of these delightful berries since I moved to America. Oh the delight of raspberries with currants and whipping cream….
I am definitely a foody and -as they say in Germany - you can see where it stays.
My mom used to have three heavily produceing bushes in her garden and every summer it was a special delight to pick and eat the berries. Thinking of her house been sold to careless idiots who killed her beautiful garden within less than two years makes me so sad.
But I still have beautiful memories.
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