Last train blues

Colin's birthday drinks. We had a meal, then a few drinkies in Blackheath with Colin, Lauren and friends. It was all going well until we got to the railway station.

Our train was delayed; then disappeared off the board; then reappeared. Eventually it arrived rather late.

This lady was a little tired and emotional. We tried to wake her up. Someone else tried to help her on the train, successfully, but only after she lost grip of his hand and bounced off the wall. On the train we tried to find out where she was going - Barnhurst seemed to be the answer - beyond our stop. The train driver popped along to see if she was ok - he wanted to know if anyone was with her, as he said she would fall flat on her face, when she got off the train. With a "I'll leave her to you then" to the chap who had helped her onto the train, he went back to his cab. When we got off the train the chap was trying to help her ring someone to meet her.

I hope she got home safely.

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