Garlic seed head

Went to town for groceries this morning, 28 degrees at 10am, very hot. G was doing a bit of mowing when I got home. I had just finished unpacking the groceries when I heard G talking to someone. An old friend who moved to Vancouver Island and who still has his doctor here dropped in for an unexpected visit. It's been ages since we saw him and it was a wonderful surprise! We sat out in the garden and got caught up with family news and other things. 
After lunch, I worked in the garden for about an hour, too hot despite the high clouds. Good to get a couple of things done though. Some of the garlic is ready to harvest. Last year we cut the stalks back to about a foot long before pulling the bulbs out and it worked well, so I'll do some of that tomorrow. I've left a couple of scapes to see what happens to the seed heads in some that aren't quite ready to harvest.
First female zucchini flower bloomed today!

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