
Ok! I'm going to have to write a little more than usual. I spent the last 3 days at the Spoleto USA Festival l in Charleston. It truly is one of the world's great arts festivals, and Charleston is an awesome city. We have been to Spoleto eight out of the last 9 years, only missing in '06 to travel to Scotland and then to Germany for the World Cup.

I want to thank the blipfoto staff for selecting my 28 May blip as one of the weekly picks. Wow, what a wonderful surprise. It was the first time, and I am excited that so many blippers viewed, commented, starred and favorited my journal. Thank you, thank you!!!

Today, a first for me. As a street photographer, I try not to have eye contact with my subjects, and if they happen to see me, I smile, give them a thumbs up and thank them. Today, I saw Honey with her sunlit "red" hair. She was a painter and had a booth at the art show, part of the festival. I actually went up to her, requested to take her picture. Here is one of three images I captured.

I have some back blips to do, and lots of commenting, so I have written all that I am going to write tonight. Have a great weekend!!!

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