The Love Child Chronicles

By lovechild

A Little Ghandi

How often do you go see a musical and the writers buy you drinks before the show, feed you afterwards, and don't charge you for anything - including tickets?

Not often, right?

"Ghandi The Musical" had its World Premiere this evening at Luna Stage Theater in West Orange, New Jersey. It was pun intended, but played to a full house.

Mid-way into the concert, the fire alarms went off and a guy in the back of the theater exclaimed, "It's raining on me back here!" I was sitting with my daughter's friend, wondering if we should perhaps evacuate the black box and head for the
street, but someone turned off the alarm feed to the room, and the show went on.

Towards, the end, I noticed that there were several heavily dressed Firemen standing in the wings, ready to storm the place. No sooner did "Kiss This Bald Head" end, but we were shooed out into the lobby, where we grabbed our hotdogs and cupcakes, and scarfed them down before the firemen kicked us all out onto the street.

No joke.

I thought everyone would enjoy this little Ghandi who kept my wine company while I took some photos. What was great was that I didn't have to worry about him stealing my drink.

What can I say about the musical?

Parts of it were funny.

Rachel was wonderful.

"A Fat Ghandi Won't Go Far" would have been better without the slide show. (Use your Photoshop imagination here.)

This show will never make it to off-off-off Broadway...anywhere.

I had fun.

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