The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Out Of The Nest

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I took The Youngest Mini Princess and her 2 friends to the airport this morning as they are off to Budapest.

It felt a bit like herding cats. YMP wasn’t ready at the time we had arranged to leave - friend 1 had to run back into the house to pick it something she’d forgotten and we had to stop on the way as friend 2 thought she’d left her phone at home (false alarm). Friend 2 had also forgotten to pack a travel adapter because her “mum always packs them for holidays”. YMP nodded in agreement and said “it’s the same for me with my passport” which didn’t really inspire confidence.

Did I have faith that they were even travelling on the right day? Not really. To be honest, it felt unlikely they would get there but by some divine miracle they did and YMP even remembered to text and let me know.

My afternoon was much more chilled. EMP and I baked a cake. And then ate it!


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