Seeing red
The new staff in our team started this week, and are being trained by us. They have not been issued with laptops, smart cards, mobile phones. nothing. Considering the job interviews were conducted in April, that's pretty poor show. I got one of the newbies to watch a webinar on my personal phone using my personal headphones today, while I made some calls.
Walked home (sun shining by now) and snapped these valerian heads by the hospital. Have fallen down a rabbit hole of looking for a holiday in February next year. Realise that I hate huge hotels and that this exercise is just a massive distraction from the rest of my life. I could probably build a hotel out of all the travel brochures I've received this year, and that the time I waste browsing online is probably equal to at least twenty days' annual leave.
Oh, and Indie brought in a live JACKDAW tonight! Poor thing.
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