Because this is who I am

By Brighde


Because I'm cultured like that.

Okay okay, I'm procrastinating. I just was about to styart my revision and I thought 'yknow I need to update my blip'. Very very important. I hope you hold your selves in high esteem now because this is top notch love.

Being single alone is weird. I'm sort of in denial about the whole thing really, I mean I understand that were not allowed to speak because we're trying to hate each other when really we're still good friends. I shall miss those days, but I'm looking forward to meeting someone else. Of a tall dark and handsome variety.. mmm... yes.

Sarahs birthday on tuesday! Can't actually believe it. We have been best friends for 6 years. Which is crazy really, but it shall be glorious even though its in the middle of exams and rather inconvenient, but I'm excited.

happy blipping.

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