St Enoch and child

We went to another recording of Breaking the News today and the weirdest thing happened before we went in. While I queued to have the tickets validated himself sat and waited. As I approached the ticket area I heard a guy behind me say to his friend 'Look at him, sitting there all smug. It's probably a couple of bottles of Buckfast he's got in his bag'. It took me a second to associate these bizarre comments with himself who was sitting there minding his own business. I shouted over to himself asking if he had any Buckfast for them. The guy's face was a picture when I told him he should be careful who he talks about. He tried to say it was just joke so I suggested he might want to work on his material.

They ended up sitting near us during the recording and it was no surprise to find the mouthy one talked the whole way through.

The only 'Smug' I saw today was this mural on the way to the venue.

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