aging hippy

By aginghippy


Today's History Lesson !

I remember as a little boy on holidays in Anstruther in the 1950s , that the ice cream shop { as I called it } always had this rack of postcards outside.
Now most of them were black and white except for a few called 'colored' postcards which cost 6 pence { old currency as in 6d }.
This was a fortune just after the war because a bag of chips was 2d and a fish supper 6d.
The reality was that they were black and white photographs that had been badly painted over in water color and then the processing washed out most of the color and what was left was this very strange coloring effect , but mostly still black and white.

So today I decided to take a full color photograph and reverse the process by eliminating most of the color , washing out what was left and leaving an effect similar to these old postcards.

Brought back mostly pleasant memories , so I guess my daily blip was worth the effort.


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