From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG

One of those days in England

Mr G encouraged me to go out for a walk after lunch, so I pootled off to Sundon Hills and spent an enjoyable 45 minutes tramping along the paths, enjoying the sunshine, views and birdsong (and my own company!). It was lovely. I really should make more of an effort to get out there more often, with or without the little Gs.

There were quite a few people out today, including a French couple, presumably on their holidays. I'd never really thought of this as a particularly holidayable part of the country before, but it is quite pretty I suppose - and very very English - so why not.

The picture has absolutely nothing at all to do with the song, but it was my own little earworm during my walk, so I thought I'd inflict it on share it with you too. Enjoy!

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