We went out last night, spur of the moment, with no plans to meet anyone but bumped into quite a few friends who all had the same idea. It was a fun night :)

I got chatting to a friend. He's such an ace guy and his wife is gorgeously lovely too. He's 46 and went to the hospital for a vasectomy a couple of weeks back. It turns out he has prostate cancer.......luckily it has been caught early and, fingers crossed, after an op next month he should be OK. Had he not been for the chop he would never have mentioned to the doc about getting up a few times in the night for a wee causing the doc to run a quick test.

It just made me think how, firstly, you never know what is round the corner and secondly life is a one chance experience. This is it - but it could be snatched away at any moment. Be happy with what you have or change it. Life is way to short to be unhappy. I am so happy with my little life and my circle of family and friends, I'm happy to have spent eleven years with my lovely S - we have selfishly only thought of ourselves involving many great experiences and a lot of lazy lie-ins and spur of the moment holidays meaning we are now ready for the next chapter in our lives and all the happiness and tiredness it brings.

Would I change anything? No, probably not. All I'd like is for all the people around me and all the people I care about, who may not be around me directly, to be happy too.

Sorry - that was all a bit heavy wasnt it. It does make you take stock of your life though.

A lazy but kind of non-stop day so far. I had great delight in filling up our new fridge freezer and putting out the old ones for the tat man - he's welcome to them! We are heading to a friend's for a BBQ this afternoon so I am looking forward to putting my feet up.

Enjoy your day blip folk x

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