
By bandparent


It was cool enough to sit and have a beverage on this lovely pub patio and celebrate National Macaroni Day!!

Although it might be hard to imagine, macaroni was not one of the first types of pasta to be invented. It's probably a shame to burst that bubble! 

There are tons of other forms of pasta and macaroni that most people are familiar with. Those little curved pieces that come in the blue box? Those are called elbow macaroni, but they aren't the only kind there is! So now is the time to let everyone in on a little secret, and that secret is the origins of the word macaroni.

Makaroneia is the word's original form, which hails from Medieval Greek. 
But what does it mean? Well, most people (especially kids!) would agree that macaroni and cheese is a dish worth dying for, so is it at all surprising that the word Makaroneia means "dirge," or specifically in the case of the pasta "funeral meal"? That makes so much sense!

So, have a lovely weekend, and eat some macaroni!

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