Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


I could not mention it yesterday, but shortly after Tommy arrived home yesterday afternoon he phoned to book a hair appointment and then at 5pm I went with him to the hairdresser to have his hair all chopped off! I could not say anything on social media as he wanted to surprise Inca, who he is only seeing tonight, so he did not want me to say anything to anyone. I went with him to take photos of this 'momentous occasion'. Four years of growing his hair meant there was a lot of hair lying on the floor of the hairdressing salon as she was cutting it. See extra for the journey of his long to short hair!

It was lovely to have Tommy home last night, we enjoyed our first supper together at home in a while. It has taken ages to unpack all his stuff and to settle back into his room but he says he is very happy to be home again. He has plans for the year ahead and I know he will keep himself busy.

This morning Gavin and I were up early to drive to Norfolk. We had a very easy drive here, and arrived to 28C and sunshine with blue skies. We walked from Brancaster Staithe to Brancaster beach where Xena enjoyed chasing after the ball. As it was hot she did not have too much energy and we made sure she did not overdo it. We got some crab salad and crab rolls from The Crab Shack for lunch. We washed the bedding as last time we were here with the boys we did not have time to do it, so now everything is all clean and fresh again.

Late in the afternoon we had another walk and I heard this egret before I saw it. I took some photos from quite a distance away, but I rather liked its tail feathers blowing in the breeze.

It will be a lazy evening watching some TV tonight.

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