
By Photogen

Stonehaven Harbour

The boat journey from Shetland to Aberdeen was lovely and smooth with an interesting sunset of pink and yellow altocumulus clouds around 10 pm. However, today's blip was taken 15 miles south of Aberdeen, just a short detour off the main road. Stonehaven lies adjacent to a deeply indented bay surrounded on three sides by higher land and it grew around an Iron Age fishing village, now called the "Auld Toon" ("old town").

Another perfect day and too good to pass by a shot of the beautiful harbour. Stonehaven was in the news this spring when it experienced horrendous flash floods from the River Carron. However no sign of this event, as far as I could see, with all the mess gone. Famous Scottish historical visitors include the warrior William Wallace, Mary Queen of Scots and the Ayrshire poet Robert Burns. On a day like today you can understand why it's still popular.

I liked this viewpoint from the sundial with its sharp little shadow showing it's about nine o'clock in the morning.

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