Last Day

Breakfasted, packed up and checked out, we had most of the day in the city. We looked round the old market with an unbelievable array of fresh fruit & veg as well as fish and meat. Then on to the last of our 'must see' places - the Old Silk Market. The blip photo gives a flavour of its architecture and grandeur.

We were at the airport in good time for our flight which was, of course, delayed. Once boarded, we then sat on the tarmac for at least an hour waiting for a take-off slot as the late arrival from wherever it had been before meant that its scheduled slot had been missed.

Despite a 'bumpy' journey, we landed safely at Gatwick and car collection went smoothly. On to Woking to pick up Pepper and catch up with all that's been going on there, with Daughter No1 in hospital although, thankfully, on the mend.

A great week away - very hot but also very interesting and enjoyable. For those interested in my cycle ride antics yesterday, bum was fine today.

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