The grass IS greener.
I decided to stick to film photography for today, which is why this is a late upload. Freedom at its best, in the form of sunshine. Thom and me met up with Catherine and Charlie, bought some ice cream and headed to Jephson Gardens to relax with Luisa and Kasia. Having not lived in Leam last year, I'd never chilled much in Jephson, so it's a good replacement to last year's garden.
I do remember waking up with a massive headache. Not so much of a hangover from the last night, as unrealistic as it sounds, it was more of a headache I'd been suppressing since the beginning of exams. I had felt it coming along a couple times, but managed to keep it at bay so I could focus on getting through Hell Week. Guess I had to finally pay the price!
If you view in large, you'll notice the high density of artifacts, which renders the quality kind of crap. I'm not sure whether it comes from the camera, developing or scanning. I would have naturally thought from the scanning but it seems to also appear on the prints if you look closely. This makes me think it could be due to the developing process (which was done at Boots in leam, and its the second time it happens). Any insights?
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