June Challenge - Fancy

Day 2 of TerriG's June daily challenge - Fancy

When I were a lad (just after the dinosaurs - I know) my lunch for today would have been considered very fancy indeed, especially by my mother who was never very adventurous with food (if she couldn't pronounce it, she didn't eat it).

The lettuce leaves were very curly, there was a bean salad (with a "dressing" on it), peppers, mushrooms, some pesto, coleslaw and to top it off 3 types of cheese (Cheddar, Danish blue, and Shropshire blue) - only the Cheddar would be considered as proper cheese. So that leaves the tomatoes, there wasn't any cucumber (saves me burping later) or pickled beetroot. It just shows how food tastes have changed and how much more variety there is available now.

Was emailed the latest edition of the PAGB eNews today, and saddened to see that Alan Millward (husband of Anne Sutcliffe) has just died. I saw the two of them at the first advisory day that I went to in order to get advice on my ARPS panel. Anne was giving advice on Visual Arts panels, and Alan on Travel panels. I am going to have to stop reading that eNews bulletin - the last 2 editions have carried the news of the death of someone that I know, it's starting to get depressing.

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