
By BabingtonsDays

14 years ago today ...

I cannot believe it was 14 years ago today that my dear dad died ... tragically ... and far before his time ... I miss him every day, and hope he is free from pain and with my dear daughter who was only with me for such a short time in this world.

It was my last day at work today and it feels a bit strange knowing that Im moving on with other plans and ideas, but I think I am going to take the next few weeks easy so I can build up some strength before my next chapter starts. Life has been tough recently, my treatment is going well, but sometimes I am so exhausted I just want to rest physically and emotionally ... so thats what I am going to do.

Walking down along the Porthminster walk early this morning before there were too many people around, I stopped to pause and enjoy the view ... I still find it hard to believe that I live here, even after 6 years of living in Cornwall I realise that however hard life has been at times, I am fortunate in many ways, and its important that we remember however rocky the road that we continue to count our blessings along the way .....

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