
By Max_Blazer

500 day of war

Hello, friends!

This week, as usual, our sleep has been disturbed by nightly shelling and missile launches. Additionally, at the beginning of the week, there were widespread rumors that Russians would detonate the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant on the night of July 5th, which added to our anxiety.

From what I understand, our government spreads such information about future terrorist attacks for several reasons. The main objective is to draw the world's attention to the intelligence we've received and thereby disrupt the enemy's plans. We saw this happen last year when there were rumors for a while that the Kahovka Dam would be blown up, but the world's attention shifted, causing the Russians to abandon their plans. Unfortunately, it was only a temporary setback. Unfortunately, this only delayed the terrorist attack.

Similarly, the enemy's plans have been disrupted now, but based on the experience with the Kahovka Dam, the future outlook is grim. No one knows when they will take that step because there is no doubt that they will. After all, we have been witnessing the crimes and inhumane behavior of the occupiers for 500 days now.

We have been living under constant threat and restrictions for so long, and if we fail to stop Russia and drive them back home, the best option will be to immigrate to other countries. Essentially, we will lose our home and land forever. This makes it clear what this war is about, and I no longer hope for a quick and easy resolution. I just want it to never happen again.

I also understand that behind every air raid alarm, there is a series of events. During each alarm, dozens of rockets are fired at us, each capable of destroying several floors of a building and killing many people.

That's exactly what happened in Lviv two days ago. Lviv is one of the few cities in Ukraine that still has a lot of historical architecture, and it looks beautiful. However, the Russians see "headquarters of mercenaries from the west" in every building, so all you can do is hope that the next "headquarters" will not be in your house because the rule of two walls doesn't save you when an entire section of the building collapses.

I feel that a vacation is truly necessary because each day feels extremely eventful, and there is hardly any free time. Therefore, fatigue is a constant companion. We are currently working hard, and despite the difficulties, we have almost completed everything necessary for the trip. In two weeks, we will be in the mountains, and I hope it will be an interesting experience and a chance to distract ourselves from constant stress. I suppose that on our first mountain hike, we will be exhausted, and that should definitely help clear our minds of all the negative thoughts.

I want to thank everyone for their support. I'm glad I can share my thoughts and experiences with someone, and I feel that I'm not alone in this but rather together with the entire world. Everything will be fine. Thank you very much, and have a great day!

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