Around the bend

I was astonished to look out the window half an hour after yesterday's colourful sunrise and not to be able to see a thing.  It seems to be the way in this country in summer to have quite thick fog roll in in the early morning.  It did not last and we were eventually on our way through deeply green country side. We went north along the Eastern coast, a coast of lots of craggy inlets and working fishing villages.  The fishing is mostly for lobster, crabs and salmon.  The lobster season has just closed (April till June ) and a proud father told me his son earned around $200,000.00 in that short season.
We have stayed the night in  a place so small l could not find it on a map, we have a room looking over a river and l had some of that salmon for my supper last night. 
As l type this looking out the window l see it is foggy but know now it will clear.
We saw our first bald headed Eagle last evening, l did get a photo but not a good one, l am sure l will see more as we head up into the national park of Cape Breton today.
My extra is of a sign at the entrance to a walk we thought to do, we changed our minds and went out on a boat along the river.

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