A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Still here.

We’ve seen great displays of all kinds of poppies whilst we’ve been away and I thought the few that we have, which come up wherever they want, would be all done when we got home. So I was pleased to see this little one as it seems the bee was too.

Saw some amazing ‘fluffy’ ones in Stonehaven and took a picture. They were in my camera so got it out yesterday to download the few shots that were on there before the battery went and I inexplicably deleted them. It’s a bit like slow motion you see you have pressed the delete instead of the keep button and can’t do anything about it!

It was just a few shots and we’ve been there before, thank fully the ones of Fair Isle from the ferry having been taken the previous evening weren’t affected.

Got all the washing done today, very warm and the rain we had yesterday hasn’t reappeared, yet! Just doing a bit of ironing as I feel like it. I’m really tired and this humidity isn’t helping.

Wanted to add some Flickr links. I’ve done a Lake District album and had started in the Nth Scotland and Orkney one. It just didn’t want to play. It eventually said - Bad, bad Panda - we know there is an error - so I just had to give up.

Waiting to see Le Tour go up the Puy de Dome. We went up in 1981. You could just drive up, like you could just drive up to the Pont du Gard a few years later when we were there with the kids.. (Chris walked across the top with Grace in a back carrier!)
Next time we went some years later you had to pay to park and take a bus. It was too late for the buses so we didn’t get to go! It’s like the visit to Rosslyn Chapel, just too many people and too organised. Also in 2016 we just turned up to visit Scara Brae, Orkney, no problems, now you have to book a time slot and there are coach loads. I think part of it is a legacy of Covid but also there are just too many of us travelling. Rant over. We’ve been the lucky ones, it’s rather sad for the future. 

Will try again with Flickr later.

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