A Sea Of Blue

I bought a packet of Sea of Blue mixed seeds in the supermarket and sowed them on Ollie and Frankie dogs' graves. I needed a cornflower to photograph for my personal coronation invitation challenge. There was a cornflower pictured but no list of contents. This flower, with its globular composite head and finely cut foliage, is attracting insects, including this tiny solitary bee. I'm afraid I haven't been able to identify the flower or the bee. I'd be grateful if anyone could tell me what either is. I think I've also got three cornflower plants, ageratum, love-in-a-mist, clary and convolvulus tricolor.

I've added a comma butterfly in the evening light to extras.

I've also included the blackcap that has been delighting me with its fluting song from morn until night since it arrived in March. Not a great shot but I was pleased to finally get an image through the field maple leaves. 

PS Delighted that Chamaeleo has identified the flower for me as Blue/Globe Gilia and thinks that the bee is one of the mason bees. :) 

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