
By Beewriter

Very Fishy!

We took the river taxi to the beach. It is one of the best beaches I’ve been on, there is no traffic, no buildings and no jet skis or anything like that. There is a turtle sanctuary at one end (it’s about a mile long) and where the turtles lay their eggs there are protective cages put over them in the sand.

It is quite windy here, it’s supposed to last a couple more days, but it was blowing towards the sea so it stops any big waves. The sea is so clear and glorious to swim in.

We got the boat back at three and had a quick shower before heading back for a moonlight boat trip on Lydia’s boat. It was windy as we crossed the lake but Semih found a calm spot where we had a swim. I managed to haul myself onto a paddle board, but I only sat on it and paddled. Next time I’ll try standing. The food was as lovely as usual and then we headed to the mud baths. We decided not to get in the mud this time, instead I had a fish feet treat. Oh Lordy, it was a weird sensation.

We gazed at a huge sky encrusted with stars in the way back. We saw the Milky Way and three satellites. Sue spotted a shooting star but I missed it, sadly.

What a splendid day.

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